Mardas Bizzie Lizzie

half-sibbling :same Sire

There are 12 answers.

Answers 1 to 12
F < 1988   Deermalt Aphrodite Sandylands Broom Lyndhurst Quest For Comfort
M 1992   Lawnwoods French Fry Sandylands Broom Lawnwoods Flight O' Fancy
F < 1992   Annual's Baby Love Sandylands Broom Jayncourt Spring Blossom
M 1992   Kincrosse Folk Singer Sandylands Broom Kincrosse Oran
F 1992   Kincrosse Folk Ballad Sandylands Broom Kincrosse Oran
M 1993 C.C.W. Mardas Berberis Sandylands Broom Mardas Silvery Moon
F 1993   Mardas Bizzie Lizzie Sandylands Broom Mardas Silvery Moon
F < 1993   Wilsbury Over The Moon Sandylands Broom Zanys Country Made Of Wilsbury
M 1993 CH: Mardas Broom Sandylands Broom Mardas Silvery Moon
M < 1994   Wendover Black Tarquin Sandylands Broom Wendover Rosie
F < 1996   Cricklecreek Cherokee Of Rossbank Sandylands Broom Rossbank Comanche Moon
F < 1998   Calag Sunny Suzie At Johdine Sandylands Broom Calag Goldilocks

Half-sibbling : same Dam

There are 7 answers.

Answers 1 to 7
M 1992 INT:CS:CH: Mardas Mayfly Rocheby Royal Oak Mardas Silvery Moon
F 1992 GB:CH: Mardas Mona Liza Emsal Old Master At Mardas Mardas Silvery Moon
F 1992   Mardas May Queen Rocheby Royal Oak Mardas Silvery Moon
M 1993 C.C.W. Mardas Berberis Sandylands Broom Mardas Silvery Moon
F 1993   Mardas Bizzie Lizzie Sandylands Broom Mardas Silvery Moon
M 1993 CH: Mardas Broom Sandylands Broom Mardas Silvery Moon
F < 1995   Mardas Morning Cloud Mardas Master Mariner Mardas Silvery Moon

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