CH: Justes B Happiness Is

half-sibbling :same Sire

There are 2 answers.

Answers 1 to 2
M < 1983 CH: Thurber Of Colquhoun Shamrock Acres Schwechater G Sunnybrook Acres Brigadoon
F < 1990 CH: Justes B Happiness Is Shamrock Acres Schwechater G Justes B Guns And Roses

Half-sibbling : same Dam

There are 4 answers.

Answers 1 to 4
F < 1990 CH: Justes B Happiness Is Shamrock Acres Schwechater G Justes B Guns And Roses
F < 1996   Justes B Agent Thirteen Justes B Tug's Brumby Justes B Guns And Roses
F < 1996   Justes B Sorol Sw Tradition Sorol Cw's Legacy Justes B Guns And Roses
M < 2000 CH: Justes B Ravin' Hell's Angel Justes B Tug's Brumby Justes B Guns And Roses

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