Borador's Dame Fortune

Chiens issus du même père

Il y a 41 réponses.

Réponses 1 à 41
M < 1973 CH Welly Bobs Black Tuxedo Marshland Blitz Borador's Sunny Side Up
M < 1984   Clarion's Keagan Marshland Blitz Clarion's Moonlight Sonata
F 1985   Dickendall A-ha Marshland Blitz Dickendall Rose Royce
F 1985 CH Broadreach Trace Of Grace Marshland Blitz Houyhntim Grace
F 1985   Borador's Dame Fortune Marshland Blitz Grande Dame Of Mansergh
F < 1986   Dickendall Dazzle Marshland Blitz Dickendall Waterdog's Jazz
F 1987 CH Avalon's Egyptian Queen Marshland Blitz Avalon's Cleopatra
M 1987 CH-AM-CAN Avalon's Invincible Marshland Blitz Avalon's Cleopatra
F < 1988 CH Broadreach Mo'tee Marshland Blitz Houyhntim Grace
F < 1989 CH Val-lee's Hell-on-wheels Marshland Blitz Avalon's Cleopatra
F 1989 CH Devon's Rough Magic Marshland Blitz Broyhill Anderscrofts Mull
M 1989 CH-AM Valleywood Night Hawk Marshland Blitz Valleywood Crow Haven Fiddle
F 1990 CH-CAN Ransom's Perpetual Promise Marshland Blitz Ransom's Perpetual Pursuit
M < 1990   Dickendall Foxfire Marshland Blitz Moorwood Jewel
M 1990 CH Ransom's Ridge View Marshland Blitz Ransom's Perpetual Pursuit
F 1990 CH Broadreach Blossom Marshland Blitz Broadreach Amber Mist
M 1990 CH Dickendall Mistify Marshland Blitz Dickendall Mistery
M < 1990   Dickendall Black Tie Marshland Blitz Dickendall Waterdog's Jazz
M 1990 CH Dickendall Preston Marshland Blitz Tweedcroft's Reflexion
M 1991 CH-AM-CAN Graemoor Tim Marshland Blitz Graemoor Tanqueray
F < 1991 CH Springharbor Silhouette Marshland Blitz Dickendall Davaron Expose
M < 1991 CH-CAN Balcroft's Classic Brand Marshland Blitz Balcroft's Valleywood Classic
M 1992   Peppertree Lanes Colton Marshland Blitz Val-lee's Indian Summer
F < 1992   Valleywood Nightline Marshland Blitz Valleywood Crow Haven Fiddle
M < 1992   Quailwood's High Country Roamer Marshland Blitz Accipiter Rose Of Tralee
M 1992 CH-AM-CAN Belgold Aftershock Marshland Blitz Donally's Adeline
M < 1992 CH Mandigo's Bruiser Of Woodstok Marshland Blitz Mandigo's Windriver Cleo
F < 1992   Avalon's Spring Bouquets Marshland Blitz Springfield's Frisco
F < 1993 CH Marshland Glitz Marshland Blitz Marshland Bold Gabrielle
F < 1993 CH Cherry Oaks Dillion Sundance Marshland Blitz Cherry Oaks Sunshine
M < 1993   Kilija's Brigand Marshland Blitz Kilija's Mono Pook
M < 1993   Ashlyn's Don Giovanni Marshland Blitz Kellydown Wild Irish Rose
F < 1994   Dickendall Darling Marshland Blitz Dickendall Davaron Expose
F < 1994   Allegheny's Superglum Marshland Blitz Allegheny's Peppercorn
F < 1994   Goldstrikes Steel Manolia Marshland Blitz Cherry Oaks Sunshine
M < 1994 CH Allegheny's Nicholas Marshland Blitz Allegheny's Peppercorn
F < 1996   Borador's Gut Feeling Marshland Blitz Borador's Just A Joyride
F < 1996 CH-AM Franklin Hills Apples Trudel Marshland Blitz Franklin Hills Apple Pie
F < 1997 CH-AM-CAN Chelons Irish Mist Marshland Blitz Chelons Sassi Chassis
F < 1997   Butterfield's Whoopie Marshland Blitz Meadowbrook's Kippilaw Tarn
M < 1997   Borador's Leave It To Change Marshland Blitz Borador's Highspire Pollywog

Chiens issus de la même mère

Il y a 8 réponses.

Réponses 1 à 8
M < 1979   Mansergh Marconi Martin Of Mardas Grande Dame Of Mansergh
M 1980   Borador's Baby Grande Shookstown Sundance Grande Dame Of Mansergh
F 1983   Sandalwood Tapestry Clemmsen Of Killingworth Grande Dame Of Mansergh
F 1983   Sandalwood Serenade Clemmsen Of Killingworth Grande Dame Of Mansergh
F 1985   Borador's Dame Fortune Marshland Blitz Grande Dame Of Mansergh
F < 1985   Borador's The Captains Brat Borador's Captain Black Grande Dame Of Mansergh
F < 1992   Borador's Kristen's Hannah Elysium's Citizen Kane Grande Dame Of Mansergh
F < 1993 CH Borador's Grande Marm Shookstown Sundance Grande Dame Of Mansergh

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