AUST:CH: Gunnislake Peppercorn

half-sibbling :same Sire

There are 4 answers.

Answers 1 to 4
M 1984   Cornlands Black Dandaloo Timspring Comfrey Cornlands Blonde Lady
F < 1988   Cornlands Lady Dianthus Timspring Comfrey Cornlands Blonde Lady
M < 1992 AUST:CH: Gunnislake Peppercorn Timspring Comfrey Gunnislake Charade
M < 1998 AUST:CH: Sinvale Law And Order Timspring Comfrey Lachienvale First Print

Half-sibbling : same Dam

There are 3 answers.

Answers 1 to 3
F 1987 AUST:CH: Gunnislake Fern Lawnwoods Folklore Gunnislake Charade
F 1987 AUST:CH: Gunnislake Flirt Lawnwoods Folklore Gunnislake Charade
M < 1992 AUST:CH: Gunnislake Peppercorn Timspring Comfrey Gunnislake Charade

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