CH: Allegheny's Cricket

half-sibbling :same Sire

There are 27 answers.

Answers 1 to 27
F 1987   Hennings Mill Royal Crystal Dickendall Ruffy Hennings Mill Crown Jewel
F 1987 AM:CH: Hennings Mill Sommit Ruff Gem Dickendall Ruffy Hennings Mill Crown Jewel
M 1988 AM:CH: Dickendall Arnold Dickendall Ruffy Dickendall A-ha
F 1989 CH: Allegheny's Cricket Dickendall Ruffy Allegheny's Hide N'seek
M 1990 CH: Lobuff Bare Necessities Dickendall Ruffy Second Sight Brandie
F 1990 CH: Fernwood's Miss Daisy Dickendall Ruffy Fernwood's Disco Page
F < 1990   Springharbor Roulette Dickendall Ruffy Mijan's Some Like It Hot
F < 1990   Oswick Golden Sunset Dickendall Ruffy Oswick Daybreak Carroussel
M 1991 CH: Topform Edward Dickendall Ruffy Broadreach Trace Of Grace
M < 1991   Mijan's Hot Stuff Dickendall Ruffy Mijan's Some Like It Hot
F 1992   Broadreach Jasmin Dickendall Ruffy Broadreach Blossom
F < 1993   Valleywood Firebrand Dickendall Ruffy Valleywood Crow Haven Fiddle
M 1993   Dickendall Davaron Orange Rufy Dickendall Ruffy Dickendall A-ha
F < 1994   Alegra's The Goodbye Girl Dickendall Ruffy Alegra's Cracklin Rosie
F < 1994 CH: Kiburzway's Ruff Rider Dickendall Ruffy Broadreach Trace Of Grace
F < 1994 CH: Jagersbo Honadore Liberty Dickendall Ruffy Jagersbo B G From Graemoor
M 1997   Bonaventure's Christopher Dickendall Ruffy Bonaventure's Grace Under Fire
F 1997   Bonaventure's Caroline In The City Dickendall Ruffy Bonaventure's Grace Under Fire
M 1997   Dickendall Ruffalo Bill Dickendall Ruffy Seabrook Rose Ms Halle Berry
M < 1997 CH: Broadreach Mo's Ruffian Dickendall Ruffy Broadreach Mo'tee
M < 1997 CH: Broadreach Bocephus Dickendall Ruffy Broadreach Mo'tee
F < 1997   Ayr 's Real Humdinger Dickendall Ruffy Ayr 's Mollywog Of The Sea
F < 1997 CH: Ayr 's Real Mccoy Dickendall Ruffy Ayr 's Mollywog Of The Sea
M 1998   Maidstone Bluffdale Foxfire Dickendall Ruffy Maidstone Amen
F < 1998   Freida Lynn Haines Dickendall Ruffy Mtn Meadow Timeless Tess
M 1998 CH: Maidstone Fiftythree At Dickendall Dickendall Ruffy Maidstone Amen
F < 2000   Pucketts Ruffys Moebetta Dickendall Ruffy Seabrook Rose Ms Halle Berry

Half-sibbling : same Dam

There are 3 answers.

Answers 1 to 3
F 1989 CH: Allegheny's Cricket Dickendall Ruffy Allegheny's Hide N'seek
F < 1993   Allegheny's Nicole Allegheny's Nicholas Allegheny's Hide N'seek
M < 1998   Allegheny's Sharper Image Allegheny's Nicholas Allegheny's Hide N'seek

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