Hennings Mill Dear Abby

half-sibbling :same Sire

There are 21 answers.

Answers 1 to 21
F 1992 CH: Hennings Mill Hasty Pudding Scartho Frost Rocheby Rippling Corn
F 1992 CH: Hennings Mill Lubberline Jib Scartho Frost Rocheby Rippling Corn
F 1992   Hennings Mill Kelleygreen Henna Scartho Frost Rocheby Rippling Corn
M < 1993   Hennings Mill Frost Warning Scartho Frost Hennings Mill Charming Beauty
F 1993   Castlegar Night Frost Scartho Frost Oaklea Ivy
M < 1994   Hennings Mill Clondike Scartho Frost Fantasy Bb Of Hennings Mill
M < 1994 AM:CH: Inselheim Autumn Bracken Scartho Frost Inselheim Just Jokin'
F < 1994   Hunt Club Sealed With Akiss Scartho Frost Hennings Mill Sommit Ruff Gem
F 1994   Hennings Mill Dear Abby Scartho Frost Hennings Mill Charming Beauty
F < 1994   Hennings Mill Perazzi Girl Scartho Frost Hennings Mill Hase'n To Kai Den
F 1994   Hennings Mill Els Of Chelsea Scartho Frost Hennings Mill Charming Beauty
F < 1995   Ceasarscreek Midnight Gem Scartho Frost Hennings Mill Tiffany
F < 1996   Hennings Mill Scandal Of Centre Court Scartho Frost Rocheby Rippling Corn
M < 1996   Hennings Mill The Big Dill Scartho Frost Rocheby Rippling Corn
F < 1996   Weathertop Television Scartho Frost Vision's Of Microns Gabrielle
M < 1996   Hennings Mill Custody Cruiser Scartho Frost Rocheby Rippling Corn
F < 1996   Hennings Mill Caitlin Scartho Frost Lubberline Brigantine
M < 1997   Hennings Mill Coy Cassanova Scartho Frost Hennings Mill Court Star
F < 1998   Hennings Mill Champaign Mist Scartho Frost Hennings Mill Hase'n To Kai Den
M < 1998 CH: Hennings Mill Jess-mor Moses Scartho Frost Hennings Mill Charming Beauty
F < 1999 CH: Countryside's Tantara In Cahoots Scartho Frost Tantara's Oh So Jazzy

Half-sibbling : same Dam

There are 5 answers.

Answers 1 to 5
M < 1993   Hennings Mill Frost Warning Scartho Frost Hennings Mill Charming Beauty
F 1994   Hennings Mill Dear Abby Scartho Frost Hennings Mill Charming Beauty
F 1994   Hennings Mill Els Of Chelsea Scartho Frost Hennings Mill Charming Beauty
M < 1998 CH: Hennings Mill Jess-mor Moses Scartho Frost Hennings Mill Charming Beauty
F < 1998   Hennings Mill Karmen Jones Hennings Mill Caruso Hennings Mill Charming Beauty

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