Appollo's Redwing Of Winghaven

half-sibbling :same Sire

There are 3 answers.

Answers 1 to 3
F < 1976 AM:CAN:CH: Appollo's Silver Mist Barnaby Appollo Rebellion Wildwing's Penny Ante
F < 1990   Appollo's Redwing Of Winghaven Barnaby Appollo Rebellion Wildwing's Penny Ante
F < 1992 CAN:CH: Appollo's Crowning Glory Barnaby Appollo Rebellion Wildwing's Penny Ante

Half-sibbling : same Dam

There are 8 answers.

Answers 1 to 8
F < 1976 AM:CH: Mandigo's Windriver Amber Franklin's Golden Mandigo Wildwing's Penny Ante
F < 1976 AM:CAN:CH: Appollo's Silver Mist Barnaby Appollo Rebellion Wildwing's Penny Ante
M < 1984 CH: Mandigo's Rocky Mt. Sunset Franklin's Golden Mandigo Wildwing's Penny Ante
M < 1984 CH: Mandigo's Golden Tip Franklin's Golden Mandigo Wildwing's Penny Ante
F < 1984   Mandigo's Lemon Shandy Franklin's Golden Mandigo Wildwing's Penny Ante
M < 1990 AM:CH: Mandigo's Natu Ridgecrest Sabre Wildwing's Penny Ante
F < 1990   Appollo's Redwing Of Winghaven Barnaby Appollo Rebellion Wildwing's Penny Ante
F < 1992 CAN:CH: Appollo's Crowning Glory Barnaby Appollo Rebellion Wildwing's Penny Ante

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