Springfield's Bourbon Street

half-sibbling :same Sire

There are 23 answers.

Answers 1 to 23
M 1978 AM:CH: Ajoco's Samson Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Ajoco's Lilymere
F 1978 CH: Springfield's Dinorah Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Springfield's Musette
M < 1979 CH: Brentwoods Honkey Tonk Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Val-lee's Mocha Premier
F < 1979   Brentwoods Sweet Molly Brown Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Val-lee's Mocha Premier
F < 1980   Shermill Sonja Of Mardas Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Lumack Laughing Eyes
M < 1980   Springfield's Bourbon Street Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Springfield's Piccadilly
M < 1980   Mardas Charly Brown Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Jimjoy Christmas Angel
F < 1980   Val-lee's Ko-ko Rebe Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Val-lee's Mocha Premier
F < 1981   Mardas Moonglow Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Mardas Mardi Gras
M < 1982 CH: Groveton's Waverly Wonder Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Groveton's Koaltone
F < 1983 CH: Houyhntim Grace Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Houyhntim Genevieve
M < 1983 CH: Westerhall Augustus Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Westerhall Appollo Amanda
F < 1986   Springfield's Mazola Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Springfield's Butter Cream
M < 1987   Springfield's Scandal Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Springfield's Waltz Tune
F < 1989   Springfield's Whist Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Wheatland 's Raven Prisca
F < 1989   Haverhill's Belquest Rusty Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Dorsett's Haverhill Star
F < 1989   Springfield's Wheatland Nasta Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Wheatland 's Raven Prisca
M < 1990 AM:CAN:CH: Accipiter Tommy Dorsey Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Accipiter Rhapsodie In Blue
M < 1990   Whiskey Bottom's Sam's Midas Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Whiskey Bottom's Jigger Of Scotch
F < 1990 AM:CH: Accipiter Rose Of Tralee Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Accipiter Rhapsodie In Blue
F < 1991   Car-nel's Yellow Daysee Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Springfield's Scotch Bun
F < 1991   Sam's Midas Touch Brandy Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Jigger Of Sunshine Scotch
M < 1993 AM:CH: Accipiter American In Paris Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Accipiter Rhapsodie In Blue

Half-sibbling : same Dam

There is 1 answer.

Answers 1 to 1
M < 1980   Springfield's Bourbon Street Mardas Brandlesholme Sam's Song Springfield's Piccadilly

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