CH: Springfield's Prune

half-sibbling :same Sire

There are 5 answers.

Answers 1 to 5
F < 1973 CH: Springfield's Prune Sandylands Midnight Cowboy Springfield's Miss Willing
M 1974 CH: Shookstown Sundance Sandylands Midnight Cowboy Shookstown Gimlet
M 1974 CH: Shookstown Solo Smasher Sandylands Midnight Cowboy Shookstown Gimlet
F < 1974 AM:CH: Springfield's Apricot Whip Sandylands Midnight Cowboy Springfield's Miss Willing
F < 1983 CH: Springfield's Butter Cream Sandylands Midnight Cowboy Springfield's Scottish Reel

Half-sibbling : same Dam

There are 2 answers.

Answers 1 to 2
F < 1973 CH: Springfield's Prune Sandylands Midnight Cowboy Springfield's Miss Willing
F < 1974 AM:CH: Springfield's Apricot Whip Sandylands Midnight Cowboy Springfield's Miss Willing

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