Prospect's Fire And Rain

half-sibbling :same Sire

There are 15 answers.

Answers 1 to 15
F < 1981   Shadow Hills Paige Bold Aaron Tex's Tinn Lizzee
M 1982 CH: Khimbrough Lil Bit Of Tnt Bold Aaron Khimbrough Chris Of Glencoe
F < 1984 CH: Whiteshadow Secondchance Bold Aaron Simerdown's Mckenna Kendell
M < 1984   Wingmaster's Yellow Fella Bold Aaron Briary Windstar
F < 1985   Donally's Tannenbaum Bold Aaron Wingmaster's Holly Terra
M < 1986 AM:CH: Simerdown's Bennigan Bold Aaron Simerdown's Mckenna Kendell
F 1987   Prospect's Fire And Rain Bold Aaron Saddlehill Amber Prospect
M < 1987 CH: Borador's Valleywood Vicar Bold Aaron Chucklebrook Cassandra
M < 1988 CAN:CH: Balcroft's Valleywood Squire Bold Aaron Chucklebrook Cassandra
M < 1988 AM:CAN:CH: Valleywood Crow Haven Banjo Bold Aaron Chucklebrook Cassandra
F < 1991   Broyhill Bold As Brass Bold Aaron Broyhill Gabrielle
F < 1991 CH: Marshland Bold Gabrielle Bold Aaron Broyhill Gabrielle
F < 1992   Sunnybrook Acres Proud Molly Bold Aaron Sunnybrook Acres Summer Eve
F < 1992   Hygate Ginger Bold Aaron Raintree Wild Mtn Honey
M < 1995 CH: Simerdown's Tiberius Bold Aaron Simerdown's Mckenna Kendell

Half-sibbling : same Dam

There is 1 answer.

Answers 1 to 1
F 1987   Prospect's Fire And Rain Bold Aaron Saddlehill Amber Prospect

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