CH: Timantti Solid Brainy To Strong Stael

half-sibbling :same Sire

There are 4 answers.

Answers 1 to 4
M < 1997 CH: Timantti Solid Brainy To Strong Stael Rosanan Earl Grey Playmaker's Cherry Pie
F < 2000 CH: Timantti Solid Janica Rosanan Earl Grey Dzhemma
M < 2002   Timantti Solid Blackberry Magic Frederick Rosanan Earl Grey Playmaker's Cherry Pie
M < 2004   Strong Stael Premier Coffee Monterey Rosanan Earl Grey Kamrats Coffee To Strong Stael

Half-sibbling : same Dam

There are 4 answers.

Answers 1 to 4
M < 1997 CH: Timantti Solid Brainy To Strong Stael Rosanan Earl Grey Playmaker's Cherry Pie
F < 1998 INT:CH: Timantti Solid Playmaker's Tytar Rosanan Templar Playmaker's Cherry Pie
F < 2002 INT:CH: Timantti Solid Palmira Timantti Solid Dj Vinil Playmaker's Cherry Pie
M < 2002   Timantti Solid Blackberry Magic Frederick Rosanan Earl Grey Playmaker's Cherry Pie

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