Les descendants de Blondella Ballerina

Il y a 5 réponses.

Réponses 1 à 5
F 1985 CH-GB Blondella Balalai'ka Keysun Krispin Of Blondella Blondella Ballerina
M 1985 CH-GB Blondella Balance Keysun Krispin Of Blondella Blondella Ballerina
F 1985 CH-IB Blondella Ballet Keysun Krispin Of Blondella Blondella Ballerina
F 1985 CH C.C.W. Blondella Ball'ad Keysun Krispin Of Blondella Blondella Ballerina
F 1988 C.C.W. Blondella Ballerita Keysun Krispin Of Blondella Blondella Ballerina

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