Les descendants de Smart Fellow's Speak For Itself

Il y a 6 réponses.

Réponses 1 à 6
M 1998   Smart Fellow's Bucklet At The Ballet Smart Fellow's Choregraph Smart Fellow's Speak For Itself
F 1998   Smart Fellow's Without Makeup Smart Fellow's Choregraph Smart Fellow's Speak For Itself
F 1998 F.T.CH Smart Fellow's How Near Heaven Smart Fellow's Choregraph Smart Fellow's Speak For Itself
M 2000   Smart Fellow's Almost Doesn't Count Gallybob Eric Smart Fellow's Speak For Itself
M < 2001 CH Smart Fellow's Reline The Troops Cindys Hit The Newsline Smart Fellow's Speak For Itself
M 2002 CH Smart Fellow's Take A Hike Shortie Trentwith Sir Winston Smart Fellow's Speak For Itself

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