Children of Rocheby Sailing Along At Follytower

There are 8 answers.

Answers 1 to 8
F 1995   Southerly Just In Time Rocheby Sailing Along At Follytower Mardas Higher Stepper
F < 1998   Amvikal Justa Flirt Rocheby Sailing Along At Follytower Amvikal Classic Belle
M < 1998   Amvikal Justa Skate Rocheby Sailing Along At Follytower Amvikal Classic Belle
F < 1998   Croftsway Velveteen Rocheby Sailing Along At Follytower Mascot Rayners Gem
F < 1998 AUST:CH: Amvikal Justa Lady Rocheby Sailing Along At Follytower Amvikal Classic Belle
F < 1999   Chinthurst Honor Saveke Rocheby Sailing Along At Follytower Chinthurst Spun Maple
M 1999 CH: Charing Sail Away Rocheby Sailing Along At Follytower Charing Fancy Me
F < 2001 CH: Roughfield Sophies Bella Rocheby Sailing Along At Follytower Strangway's Quick Step

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