Cocoa Prince

Naissance Avant 1992
Couleur xbEx(c)
Sexe Male
Affixe Cocoa


Van Nostrand's Snort
< 1990

Brown Bomber
< 1984
CH Maycreek's Smokey Joe
< 1980
Sea Bee Of Jenkins Creek
< 1976

Van's Miss Gizzmo
< 1982
Stillwater Royal Rick
< 1972
Vanattas Gypsy Babe
< 1974

Solly's Bubbv Girl
< 1984
Wanapum Darts-puget-power
< 1974
Penny's Yogi Bear
< 1975
DUAL-CH Dart Of Netley Creek

Sea Bee Of Jenkins Creek
< 1976
F.T.CH Gilherst's Gninnac Teco
Vanattas Gypsy Babe
< 1974

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