Bradking Bonny's Charm Of Keysun
Naissance 12 / 1976
Couleur BBEen(j)
Sexe Femelle
Affixes Bradking
Follytower Merrybrook Black Stormer 1969
Sandylands Tandy 1961
Sandylands Tan 1959
CH-GB Sandylands Tweed Of Blaircourt 1958
CH-GB Ruler Of Blaircourt 1956
SH-CH-GB Tessa Of Blaircourt 1957
Sandylands Annabel < 1957
CH-GB Cissbury Adventure 1951
SH-CH-GB Sandylands Juno 1953

Sandylands Shadow 1959
CH-GB Sam Of Blaircourt 1957
Hawk Of Luscander < 1957
Olivia Of Blaircourt < 1954
Diant Pride < 1957
CH-GB Poppleton Lieutenant 1949
CH-GB Diant Juliet 1954

Follytower Old Black Magic < 1967
Ballyduff Hollybranch Of Keithray 1962
CH-GB Sandylands Tweed Of Blaircourt 1958
CH-GB Ruler Of Blaircourt 1956
SH-CH-GB Tessa Of Blaircourt 1957
CH-GB Hollybank Beauty 1958
Bickerton Salmon Prince < 1958
Cookridge Gay Princess < 1956
Follytower Silsdale Old Chelsea 1963
CH-GB Braeduke Joyful 1959
SH-CH-GB Landyke Stormer 1957
C.C.W. Diant Joy Of Braeduke 1956
Silsdale Glenarvey Quita < 1961
CH-GB Glenarvey Brand 1957
Glenarvey Cookridge Mist 1958
Bradking Bonny My Girl 1973
Sandylands Mark 1965
Reanacre Mallardhurn Thunder 1960
CH-GB Sandylands Tweed Of Blaircourt 1958
CH-GB Ruler Of Blaircourt 1956
SH-CH-GB Tessa Of Blaircourt 1957
Mallardhurn Pat < 1958
CH-GB Poppleton Lieutenant 1949
Gunsmith Suzette < 1956
Sandylands Truth 1960
CH-AUST Sandylands Tan 1959
CH-GB Sandylands Tweed Of Blaircourt 1958
Sandylands Annabel < 1957
Sandylands Shadow 1959
CH-GB Sam Of Blaircourt 1957
Diant Pride < 1957

Sandylands Carona < 1971

Sandylands Charlie Boy 1969
C.C.W. Cliveruth Harvester 1963
CH-GB Sandylands Showman Of Landrow 1959
Cliveruth Wendover Joanna < 1961
SH-CH-GB Sandylands Katrinka Of Keithray 1964
CH-GB Sandylands Tandy 1961
SH-CH-GB Hollybeaut Of Keithray 1962

Classicway Sandylands Gavotte 1970
SH-CH-GB Sandylands Garry 1968
C.C.W. Sandylands General 1966
CH Sandylands Memory 1965
SH-CH-GB Sandylands Dancer 1966
CH-AUST Diant Jaysgreen Jasper 1963
Trewinnard Sandylands Tanita 1961

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