Cara Auf Der Welle
Naissance 8 / 1996
Couleur BbEen(c,j)
Sexe Femelle
Utnas Famous Faxe 1992

Sea-birds Killer Wolf 1989
Charway Sea Badger 1985
CH-GB Kupros Master Mariner 1983
SH-CH-GB Lindall Mastercraft 1980
Kupros Bridget < 1981
Charway Sally Brown 1980
CH-GB Follytower Merrybrook Black Stormer 1969
Charway Simona < 1977

Fairchilds Design For Sea-birds 1987
Minvans Teodor 1984
Sandylands April Madness 1981
Minvans Queen 1981
CH Fairchilds Benitha 1985
CH-IB Mallard's Clay Basker 1981
Mallard's Spey Gillie 1978

Utnas Dancing Queen < 1990

Follytower Admiral Moon 1986
CH-GB Kupros Master Mariner 1983
SH-CH-GB Lindall Mastercraft 1980
Kupros Bridget < 1981
Kupros Moonriver Of Follytower 1977
CH-GB Follytower Merrybrook Black Stormer 1969
Ballyduff Morella 1973

Utnas Athena 1984
Puhs Bond 1975
Ballyduff Maroon 1973
Gun-smokes Amulette < 1970
Tornakras Moonbeam 1981
Puhs Chevalier 1978
Unique 1975

Jonka Vom Schnelter Bruch < 1994

Leicester Vom Keien Fenn < 1984
Titan Du Vallon De Villard 1979
SH-CH-GB Glenarem Skyrocket 1973
Glenarem Consort 1970
SH-CH-GB Glenarem Caprice 1967
CH Roseacre Seagull 1977
SH-CH-GB Glenarem Skyrocket 1973
C.C.W. Roseacre Saiga 1975

Inka Vom Keien Fenn < 1987
SH-CH-GB Sandylands Strinesdale O'malley 1971
SH-CH-GB Sandylands My Lad 1970
Contessa Of Keithray 1969
Cita Vom Keien Fenn < 1980
CH Nattens Akilles 1969
CH Aska Vom Keien Fenn 1972

Phillies Vom Sennewald < 1992

Tweed Of Coultercraig < 1988
Knowebar Beech Boy < 1977
Reanacre Major < 1973
Camille Of Gilbeggy < 1973
Alloway Of Perceton < 1988

Senta Ina < 1990
Barwood Brown Ben < 1988
Skiach Brown Velvet < 1988

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