Carr-lab Bee
Naissance 11 / 1974
Couleur BxExn
Sexe Femelle
Affixe Carr-lab

Carr-lab Reno 1973
Rocky Road Of Zenith 1969
Black Mike Of Lakewood 1958
Vicky Duffy Boy 1949
CH King Of Detroy 1944
Bow Lake Sassy 1947
Thornwood's Bracken Sweet 1952
DUAL-CH Bracken's Sweep 1943
Nilo Judy 1950

Jezebel Of Normandy 1963
F.T.CH Yankee Clipper Of Reo-raj 1955
Stonegate's Captain < 1951
Little Peggy Black Gum < 1957
F.T.CH Belle Of Zenith < 1961
F.T.CH Rip Of Holly Hill 1946
Shady Of Spanaway Creek < 1959
Quidado Mer Le 1971

Carr-lab Meg Ii 1970
River Oaks Corky 1966
Marten's Mister Nifty 1959
Royal Of Garfield 1957
F.T.CH Roy's Rowdy 1955
Pierre Kit Of Garfield < 1955
Marten's Black Badger 1956
F.T.CH Cork Of Oakwood Lane 1951
F.T.W. Marten's Little Bullet < 1956

Don's Ginny Soo 1962
Don El Doo Lee 1957
Blackgum Gus < 1959
Don El Tor Chee < 1959
Beautywood's Creola Jane 1951
DUAL-CH Grangemead Precocious 1946
F.T.CH Gilmore's Peggy < 1947

Meg O'tar 1968
Toni's Tar 1962
Hyde's Black Splash 1959
Navajo Tony Of Sunnymede 1957

Ebony Sally Of Widgeon Bay 1963
Navajo Tar Of Sunnymede 1955
Morning Mist 1959

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