Teco's Chili

Birth Before 1984
Color xxxx?
Sex dog
Affix Teco's


Gilherst's Gninnac Teco

Country Clubs Gilman
< 1959
Techakos Black Jack
< 1957
Tammy Of Richmond
< 1957

Lady Brimherst
< 1959
F.T.CH: Prince Roderick Of The Court
< 1955
Deb's Babe
< 1954

Vanattas Gypsy Babe
< 1974

Bischoff's Ebony Jet
< 1964
F.T.CH: Black Mike Of Lakewood
Rip's Lady Baby
< 1962

Bischoff's Ebony Dora
< 1964
F.T.CH: Ripco's Peter Pan
Mcgenes Highland Lass
< 1962

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