Camolot's Maia From The Angel

Birth Before 2003
Color xxxx?
Sex bitch
Affix Camolot


Long Lanes Camolot's Sir Duke
< 1999
Long Lanes Buccaneer Gold
< 1997
AM:CAN:CH: Beauman's Beavercreek's Ingot
Zane Hills Prairie Fawm
< 1993

Kay-dee Long Lane Wild River
< 1997
CH: Milmars Mighty Morton
< 1995
Long Lane Lady Tess
< 1995

Rosebud's Touch By An Angel
< 1999
Greenbriar's Rosebud's Camelot
< 1987
AM:CAN:CH: Ebonylane's Aslan
CH: Greenbriar's Forget Me Not
< 1988

Sandstorm Sophie Rich
< 1997
CH: Greenbriar's Sandstorm Ridge
< 1995
Greenbriar's Guardian Angel
< 1995

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