Mooselake Brn Azaro Demontcalme
Birth Before 1998
Color bbEeby
Sex dog
Affixes Demontcalme
Lucas Chocolate Tazmania < 1996
Banner's Muskelunge Buckeye < 1992

Banner's Wenwood Obleo Arrow < 1990
AM:CH: Beechcroft's Edgewood Tomarc 1982
AM:CH: Powhatan Black Badger 1972
AM:CH: Ballyduff Lark 1978
Wenwood Banner Ruby Begonia < 1988
Braunyr Bramble Of Wenwood < 1986
Finchingfield Capricious < 1986
Ambleside's Banner Of Triple L < 1990
AM:CH: Clemmsen Of Killingworth 1979
GB:CH: Lawnwoods Hot Chocolate 1973
Stonewood Killingworth Katie < 1977
Lindall Miss Emma 1980
GB:CH: Charway Ballywill Will 1978
C.C.W. Morningtown Stormette 1978

Lucas Chocolate Gretchiin < 1994

Ashway's Southwood Macarthur < 1989
Ashway's Beau Deedle < 1987
Coppertone's Crown Jewel < 1981
GB:CH: Lawnwoods Hot Chocolate 1973
Brentwoods Sweet Molly Brown < 1979

Simone Loo-seak < 1992
CH: Muskelunge's Black Charmer 1984
AM:CAN:CH: Shadowvale's Prince Charming 1982
CH: Barrloc's Chuka Of Muskelunge 1978
Great Terra Of Muskelunge < 1990

Demontcalme's Black Chelsea < 1996

Josabry Playboy Fx Demontcalme < 1994
Maplecrest Chablais Nordic 1993
CAN:CH: Beechcroft's Northern Light < 1991
AM:CAN:CH: Beechcroft's Danish Skydiver 1987
AM:CAN:CH: Beechcroft's Trifolium 1986
Chablais Emeraude < 1991
AM:CAN:CH: Chablais Barnabe 1988
CAN:CH: Chablais Croustille 1987
Chablais Aubry Miss Mokas < 1992
AM:CAN:CH: Venetian's Blender De Chablais 1986
AM:CH: Hennings Mill Master Blend 1984
AM:CH: Glenlo's Cider < 1984
CAN:CH: Hampshire Aicha De Chablais < 1986
GB:SH:CH: Lindall Mastercraft 1980
Glosmere Chocolate Cookie < 1984

Demontcalme's Quenoul Des Marais < 1994
Josabry Super Mister Poker 1992
AM:CH: Willcare's Masterpiece 1990
AM:CH: Hennings Mill Master Blend 1984
Sandalwood Tapestry 1983
Anakaki Naiad Willow < 1990
Widgeoniee Monomoy Return < 1988
Toko's Chocolate Supreme < 1988

Josabry Ladyeclips Demontcalme < 1992

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