Birth 7 / 1973
Color xxxx?
Sex bitch

Acke 1971

Gun-smokes Pau < 1969

Shot < 1967
Excelsias Rolf < 1965
Nicky < 1963
Lyveden Sootie < 1963
Ulrichs Anni < 1965

Cimba < 1967
CH: Navarras Cognac < 1965
Ulrichs Diana < 1965

Alice (2) 1969

Dienesmindes Paf < 1966
CH: Dorrfield Yellow Max < 1965
INT:CH: Braeduke Silsdale Music Man 1963
Dorrfield Honey < 1963
CH: Ramah Raisin < 1966
Ramah Newgit Of Veray 1960
Ramah Sunrise < 1960

Kamrats Lisa Li < 1967
INT:CH: Cookridge Raamah < 1965
Holton Rajah < 1962
GB:CH: Cookridge Tango 1961
INT:CH: Cookridge Cola < 1959
Cookridge Oscar < 1960
Cookridge Olga < 1960

Ally 1969

Knalles Ontario 1959
Knalles Othello < 1957
Liddly Hassan < 1961
C.C.W. Liddly Stephenotus 1945
Liddly Sauterne < 1951
Lady Av Oppensten < 1961
Bjorn < 1959
Lobelia < 1959

Knalles Saba < 1957
Liddly Hassan < 1961
C.C.W. Liddly Stephenotus 1945
Liddly Sauterne < 1951
Lady Av Oppensten < 1961
Bjorn < 1959
Lobelia < 1959

Silva 1966

Blatherwycke Robin < 1964

Campanja Av Oppensten < 1964
CH: Golden Scippy < 1962
Brookdene Joyful Light < 1961

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