CH: Nor'land 's Naiad Hurly Burly
Birth 8 / 1982
Color BbeeYb
Sex dog
Titles ch: : champion
Affix Nor'land
Nyleve's Charlie < 1984

Chucklebrook Perrybringle 1974
Killingworth Thunderson 1970
AM:CH: Torquay's Scorpio < 1968
GB:CH: Sandylands Midas 1965
Mallow's Fancy Free < 1966
Killingworth Snipe < 1968
AM:CAN:CH: Annwyn's Jack O'diamonds < 1964
AM:CH: Windrow's Samantha < 1966
Spenrock Bohemia Champagne < 1969
AM:CH: Lockerbie Goldentone Jensen 1966
AUST:CH: Diant Jaysgreen Jasper 1963
Moiban Trudy < 1964
AM:CAN:CH: Spenrock Banner 1964
AM:CH: Lockerbie Sandylands Tarquin 1961
CH: Sandylands Spungold 1961

Naiad's Flip Of A Coin < 1980

Winterset Nor'land Seawife 1979

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