Nina (2)
Birth 1997
Color BbEEBb
Sex bitch
Teeshot Branch 1991
Pocklea Remus 1986
Haretor Mark Of Drakeshead 1983
GB:F.T.CH: Brenjon Dirk Of Drakeshead 1978
GB:F.T.CH: Spudtamson's Berry Of Mirstan 1971
GB:F.T.CH: Drakeshead Thorne 1975
Haretor Emma < 1981
GB:F.T.CH: Swift Of Swinbrook 1974
Haretor Smiler < 1979
Drakeshead Gypsy < 1981
GB:F.T.CH: Pocklington Ben 1976
Swinbrook Mosquito < 1979
GB:F.T.CH: Sandringham Magpie 1972
GB:F.T.CH: Drakeshead Anna 1977
GB:F.T.CH: Holdgate Willie 1969
GB:F.T.CH: Westead Tan Of Drakeshead 1974

Hattonhall Finch < 1989
Gunstock Teal 1974
GB:F.T.CH: Swinbrook Tan 1970
GB:F.T.CH: Palgrave Edward 1966
GB:F.T.CH: Beinmhor Tide 1967
GB:F.T.CH: Angeltowns Black Sapphire 1968
Jericho Joker < 1965
Little Angel < 1966

Sherry Of Crepe < 1987
Corvale Conrad < 1985
Wingfield Crepe De Chine < 1985

Jasmine Des Hauts De Campardon 1994

Brock Du Haut Du Pouey 1986

Shadow Of Lonark < 1984
GB:F.T.CH: Kenswick Orion Of Danbrias 1976
F.T.W. Danbrias Black Term < 1970
GB:F.T.CH: Stonner Point Be Hopeful At Kenswick 1971
Lonark Linofeld Sweep < 1982
Darsham Ock < 1980
Fawneycroft Quest < 1980
Siffleuse 1981
GB:F.T.CH: Spudtamson's Berry Of Mirstan 1971
GB:F.T.CH: Glenfarg Dante 1961
Spudtamson's Strong Runner < 1972
Stourhill Sorceress < 1979
Manymills Widgeon < 1973
Brentchase Blackmail 1972

Enjoy Des Hauts De Campardon 1989
Viking Of Tintagel Winds 1984
INT:CH: Kupros Lucifer / "tintagel Winds" 1977
GB:CH: Squire Of Ballyduff 1974
C.C.W. Kupros My Lady 1975
Follytower Silver Ballad < 1980
CH: Sandylands Sovereign Of Suddie 1975
Follytower Bandbox 1978

Cartouche 1987
Sorbonne 1981
Solly 1981

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