Kirkderra Lass
Birth Before 1988
Color BxExB
Sex bitch
Ben Neagh 1980
Meadowbrae Widgeon 1974
Derryboy Daniel 1973
GB:F.T.CH: Holdgate Willie 1969
F.T.W. Holdgate Steven < 1967
Wing Of Ruckley < 1977
Derryboy Blue Teal < 1970
Derryboy Drake < 1968
Hopecrest Samantha < 1968

Sooty Of Meadowbrae < 1972
Sam The Sweep Of Gaudin < 1970
Sandringham Logan < 1968
Glenfarg Busy < 1965
Meadow Brae < 1970
Dawn Of Struell < 1968
Sooty < 1968

Glenloch Teal < 1977
Wheatrig Irrepressible 1967
Wheatrig Commodore < 1965
GB:F.T.CH: Alreoch Skipper 1957
Wheatrig Wendy < 1963
Wheatrig Attractive < 1965
GB:F.T.CH: Alreoch Skipper 1957
Hilton Beat < 1963

Topbutt Bounty < 1975
GB:F.T.CH: Mycur Magnus 1965
GB:F.T.CH: Glenfarg Skid 1957
Kate Of Carmyllie < 1963
Spudtamson's Blossom < 1971
GB:F.T.CH: Margerywing Stag 1961
Spudtamson's Lintie < 1969

Brookwood Ivy 1979
Leacross Rinkals 1976
Swinbrook Tan 1970
GB:F.T.CH: Palgrave Edward 1966
GB:F.T.CH: Sendhurst Sweep 1961
Palgrave Glenfarg Tessa < 1971
GB:F.T.CH: Beinmhor Tide 1967
Beinmhor Venom < 1965
GB:F.T.CH: Cornbury Ruro Teal < 1971

Holdgate Swallow < 1972
GB:F.T.CH: Holdgate Willie 1969
F.T.W. Holdgate Steven < 1967
Wing Of Ruckley < 1977
Holdgate Megan < 1971
GB:F.T.CH: Holdgate Boffin 1959
Brysia Cora < 1965

Derramore Thatch < 1977
Derryboy Daniel 1973
GB:F.T.CH: Holdgate Willie 1969
F.T.W. Holdgate Steven < 1967
Wing Of Ruckley < 1977
Derryboy Blue Teal < 1970
Derryboy Drake < 1968
Hopecrest Samantha < 1968

Derramore River Bank < 1975
CH: C.C.W. Sunray Sunseeker Of Fanebank 1968
CH: Viyella Huntersmoon < 1968
CH: Kirklands Silver Raine 1966
Fanebank Show Style < 1973
Fanebank Sea Swallow < 1971
Sylver Shower Of Fanenbank < 1971

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