Musical's Cats
Birth 5 / 1996
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Sex bitch
Affix Musical's

Fieldvalley's Fabianco < 1992
Lundsiden's Alex 1983

Licithas Bianco 1976
CH: Baronor Phoenix 1973
GB:CH: Sandylands Mark 1965
Baronor Vesta 1971
CH: Licithas Poppet 1974
Sandylands Be Sure 1972
F.T.CH: Licithas Pinolita < 1977
Trewinnard Angie Baby 1982
GB:SH:CH: Trewinnard Not Likely 1979
Sandylands Charlston 1973
GB:SH:CH: Sandylands Not Tonight Of Trewinnard 1975
Serenade Of Suddie Of Trewinnard < 1981
CH: Sandylands Sovereign Of Suddie 1975
Cora Of Suddie < 1979
Fieldvalley's Alina Mertoun < 1991
Surprising's Montgomery 1980
Puhs Indra 1974
Sandylands Charlie Boy 1969
CH: Keithray Marianne 1971
CH: Surprising's Kornelia 1978
Surprising's Amigo 1970
CH: Surprising's Isobel 1975
Cambremer Bianca 1986
GB:SH:CH: Charway Blackthorn Of Follytower 1980
GB:CH: Follytower Merrybrook Black Stormer 1969
Charway Simona < 1977
C.C.W. Cambremer Montclair 1981
GB:CH: Fabracken Comedy Star 1979
GB:SH:CH: Cambremer St Clair 1977

Musical's Annie Get Your Gun 1993
Novacroft Mixed Spice 1992

Novacroft Magnum 1989
GB:CH: Sandylands My Guy 1987
GB:CH: Kupros Master Mariner 1983
Sandylands Bramble 1983
Novacroft Footlights 1987
Sandylands April Fool 1981
Novacroft Star Trend 1983

Novacroft Henny Cake < 1984
GB:CH: Abbeystead Heron's Court 1985
Manymills Drake 1976
Charway Seashell 1981
Novacroft Patrilia 1984
C.C.W. Poolstead Pearl Barley 1981
C.C.W. Novacroft Nortonwood Amber 1981
Musical's Aspects Of Love 1992
Guideline's Copyright 1990
GB:SH:CH: Rocheby Royal Oak 1989
Poolstead Pretentious At Rocheby 1985
GB:SH:CH: Rocheby Acorn 1985
C.C.W. Cambremer Copy Cat 1987
GB:CH: Kupros Master Mariner 1983
C.C.W. Cambremer Montclair 1981

Guideline's Chin Wagger 1990
Balnova Black Denim 1988
CH: Balnova Sultan / "fogel Hlara" 1987
Balnova Satin Quilt 1984
Guideline's Mish Mash 1988
Novacroft Arris 1983
Guideline's Make-no-doubt 1983

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