Godiva's Thompson Ii
Birth Before 1998
Color xxxx?
Sex bitch
Affix Godiva's

J And J's Ben Of Inverness < 1994

Highland's Ben Of Kenlin 1982
Ravenwood's Highland's Sentry < 1980
CH: Ravenwood's Brigadier < 1977
AM:CH: Lockerbie Brian Boru 1967
CH: Ravenwood's Swanee Sunshine < 1975
Black Cloud Chaser < 1978
Sir Regal Chaser < 1975
Avalon's Be Dutchess < 1976

Larsn's Brandy Alexandra < 1980
CH: Groveton's Copper Buck Shot < 1974
AM:CH: Lockerbie Sandylands Tarquin 1961
Lady Tinkerbelle Of Groveton 1966
Sambeau's Cam < 1978
Black Ho-beau's Ditto < 1974
Samatha's Secret < 1976

Crume K's April Mae < 1992
Hampshire Willey Wonka 1975
AM:CAN:CH: Aroscas Umber Ivanhoe < 1981
Gaddvikens Dandy < 1970
Aroscas Holding < 1970
Cacao's India Wulf < 1981

Lindall Billy Jean < 1990
Kupros Major At Lindall 1983
GB:SH:CH: Lindall Mastercraft 1980
Kupros Bridget < 1981
Lindall Near Miss < 1991

J And J's Ebony Lady < 1996

Crume K's Ebony Duke < 1994

Ebony Comet's Duke < 1988
F.T.CH: Gahonk's Pow-wow 1969
F.T.CH: My Rebel 1963
Canvasback Dee < 1967
Wanapum Ebony Comet < 1986
F.T.CH: Trieven Thunderhead 1972
Wanapum Dandy's Debutante < 1984

Crume K's Misty Of Candlewood < 1992
Candlewoods Hi Rollin Hank < 1990
Candie's Nestles Quick < 1990

Boarwalk's Always On Time < 1994

Hampshire Freddy Of Crume K < 1992
Hampshire Sea Captain 1983
CH: Hampshire Willey Wonka 1975
Puhs Sea Coral 1979
Hampshire Brown Pudding < 1998

Crume K's Black Velvet < 1992
Minnesota Clyde < 1990
Lady Of Norman County < 1990

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