Nimloth Frontiersman
Birth 6 / 2001
Color xxeeY
Sex dog

Nimloth Amos Of Goose Creek 1999
Crossfield's Cobham 1995

Allegheny's Tudor Knight < 1993
AM:CH: Cambremer Tudor Minstrel < 1993
GB:SH:CH: Rocheby Royal Oak 1989
GB:SH:CH: Cambremer All That Jazz 1987
Allegheny's Piccalilly < 1991
AM:CAN:CH: Allegheny's Bramble 1987
Allegheny's Peppercorn 1984
Allegheny's Cricket 1989
AM:CH: Dickendall Ruffy 1986
GB:CH: Receiver Of Cranspire 1981
AM:CH: Moorwood Jewel 1981
Allegheny's Hide N'seek 1986
CH: Allegheny's Mc Duff 1979
Wyndcall's Brazos Whisper 1981

Nimloth Sin-amen 1988
Stardust Chocolate Willie 1984
CH: Nimloth Favorite Son 1981
Black Silk Shadow 1979
Nimloth Princess Melba 1979
Jennifer Jo Markei De Cocoa < 1986
CH: Invincible Sunnybrook Samson < 1976
Nimloths Spooky Ole Alice 1976

Dyers Double Dip Trouble 1984
Black Silk Shadow 1979
CH: Rusland Marquis Of Follytower < 1977
Sevheims Schilla < 1977
Mandy Sue Of Pecan Road 1981
Kokos Booger Little Amos 1978
Cimmanon Of Elk Creek 1977

Bluffdale Maggie O'toole 1998

Dickendall Buckstone O'toole 1997

Dickendall Davaron Argyle 1995
AM:CH: Dickendall Arnold 1988
AM:CH: Dickendall Ruffy 1986
Dickendall A-ha 1985
Waterbound River Witch 1989
AM:CAN:CH: Scrimshaw Duckless Fairbank 1986
Waterbound Sunny Side Up 1986

Dickendall Buckstone Tooquilla 1995
INT:CH: Caveris Kan-nibal 1988
SH:CH: Rosanan Dandelion 1981
Hirsipirtin Xantippa < 1991
Dickendall Tiger Too 1989
CH: Dickendall Moorwood Tiger < 1987
Ambleside Dickendall Brann < 1987

Linray's Bluffdale Maiden Over 1993
Tabatha's Drifter At Dickendall 1991
AM:CH: Dickendall Arnold 1988
AM:CH: Dickendall Ruffy 1986
Dickendall A-ha 1985
AM:CH: Tabatha's Valleywood Decoy 1986
AM:CH: Driftwood's Celebration 1978
AM:CAN:CH: Valleywood Kannonball Kate 1980
Balrion Over To You 1988
GB:SH:CH: Sandylands Royal Escort 1986
GB:SH:CH: Ransom Of Sandylands 1983
Sandylands Bramble 1983
Balrion Bowled Over 1986
C.C.W. Gale-carr Talamba Of Balrion 1976
Balrion Lady Of Leisure < 1984

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