Gownies Caramel
Birth Before 1993
Color bbExb
Sex bitch

Fred Flintstone < 1991

Alton Bosan Boy < 1989

Bonny Bodecia < 1989

Rosetyne Twix < 1991
Sudeo Coachman Of Heatherbourne 1984
Heatherbourne Court Jester 1982
GB:SH:CH: Bradking Cassidy 1979
GB:SH:CH: Ardmargha Mad Hatter 1975
GB:CH: Bradking Black Charm 1976
GB:SH:CH: Copperhill Lyric Of Heatherbourne 1977
GB:SH:CH: Heatherbourne Silver Czar 1974
Copperhill Taffeta < 1975
Sudeo Kay Sara 1980
Sudeo King Pin Of Vuldack 1979
GB:SH:CH: Balrion King Frost 1976
Haughbank Emblem Of Sudeo < 1976
Sudeo Whisper < 1977
Teviotcastle Earl 1976
Longley Think On Of Kerlstone < 1972

Rosetyne Arimathea < 1989

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