F.T.CH: Black Gold's Candlewood Kate
Birth Before 1981
Color xxeeY
Sex bitch
Titles f.t.ch: : field trial champion
Affixes Candlewood
Black Gold's
River Oaks Rascal < 1973
River Oaks Corky 1966
Marten's Mister Nifty 1959
Royal Of Garfield 1957
F.T.CH: Roy's Rowdy 1955
Pierre Kit Of Garfield < 1955
Marten's Black Badger 1956
F.T.CH: Cork Of Oakwood Lane 1951
F.T.W. Marten's Little Bullet < 1956

Don's Ginny Soo 1962
Don El Doo Lee 1957
Blackgum Gus < 1959
Don El Tor Chee < 1959
Beautywood's Creola Jane 1951
DUAL:CH: Grangemead Precocious 1946
F.T.CH: Gilmore's Peggy < 1947

Random Rapscallion 1965
Duxbak Scooter 1985
F.T.CH: Baker's Jerry 1952
Prince Of Lowestoft < 1962
Kandahar Kitt < 1962
Carnmoney Moira < 1956
F.T.CH: Brant Of Bardonda < 1966
GB:CH: Sandylands Jilly 1951

Random Shot < 1963
DUAL:CH: Alpine Cherokee Rocket < 1963
DUAL:CH: Cherokee Buck 1947
Nelgard's Madam Queen < 1954
Freeze Out Flats Black Jewel 1958
Candlewoods Nellie-b-good 1973
Super Chief 1962
Paha Sapa Chief Ii 1955
F.T.CH: Freehaven Muscles 1947
DUAL:CH: Grangemead Precocious 1946
Grangemead Sharon < 1943
F.T.CH: Treasure State Be-wise 1951
F.T.CH: The Spider Of Kingswere 1946
F.T.CH: Deer Creek Be-wise < 1945

Ironwood Cherokee Chica 1959
DUAL:CH: Cherokee Buck 1947
DUAL:CH: Grangemead Precocious 1946
Grangemead Sharon < 1943
Glen Water Fantom < 1961
F.T.CH: Cork Of Oakwood Lane 1951
Little Peggy Black Gum < 1957

Gahonk's Rebel Queen 1969
My Rebel 1963
F.T.CH: Yankee Clipper Of Reo-raj 1955
Stonegate's Captain < 1951
Little Peggy Black Gum < 1957
Duchess Of Millers Haven < 1972
F.T.CH: Duke Of Ashton < 1970
Prana Repliqua Of Bingo < 1970

Canvasback Dee < 1967
F.T.CH: Ace Hi Royal Flush < 1966
F.T.CH: Cork Of Oakwood Lane 1951
Queen Ace < 1964
Duxbak Dandy 1985
F.T.CH: Baker's Jerry 1952
Carnmoney Moira < 1956

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