AM:CAN:CH: Shannon's Brother's Keeper
Birth Before 1998
Color xxeeY
Sex bitch
Titles am:can:ch: : american and canadian champion
Borador's Significant Brother 1990
Sir Duke Of Muskelunge 1987
Borador's Lord Travis < 1985
AM:CH: Killingworth Borador Travis 1982
AM:CH: Kupros Spartacus 1981
CH: Borador's First Frost < 1980
Borador's Lady Margaret < 1983
AM:CH: Borador's Gentle Andrew < 1981
Borador's Tamara Mist < 1981
Muskelunge's Miss Sandalwood < 1985
INT:CS:CH: Sandylands Rip Van Winkle 1980
GB:SH:CH: Sandylands My Rainbeau 1977
GB:SH:CH: Sandylands Busy Liz 1974
CH: Muskelunge's Champagne Lady < 1983
Plover Of Suddie < 1984
Borador's Inka Beauty < 1976
Borador's Just A Joyride < 1988
Union Jack Of Tintagel Winds 1983
INT:CS:CH: Sandylands Rip Van Winkle 1980
GB:SH:CH: Sandylands My Rainbeau 1977
GB:SH:CH: Sandylands Busy Liz 1974
Reverie Of Tintagel Winds 1980
INT:CH: Kupros Lucifer / "tintagel Winds" 1977
INT:CS:CH: Ballyduff Sunflower 1977

Borador's Black Satin < 1986
AM:CH: Killingworth Borador Travis 1982
AM:CH: Kupros Spartacus 1981
CH: Borador's First Frost < 1980
Borador's Madame Keasha < 1989
CH: Jollymuff Fly Away < 1987
Borador's Bon Ami < 1987

Valleywood Mistic < 1996
Dickendall Mistify 1990
Marshland Blitz 1984
AM:CH: Allegheny's Eclipse 1978
AM:CH: Eireannach Black Coachman 1976
AM:CH: Allegheny's Bezigue 1975
AM:CH: Marshland Paisley Broome 1981
AM:CH: Elysium's Thunderstorm 1980
Hawkett's Paisley Amber Breeze 1980

Dickendall Mistery < 1988
Dickendall Mr Mister < 1986
AM:CH: Allegheny's Eclipse 1978
Cranspire No Regrets < 1984
Dickendall Dazzle < 1986
AM:CH: Marshland Blitz 1984
CAN:CH: Dickendall Waterdog's Jazz 1984
Valleywood Fiesta < 1996
Valleywood Kodiak < 1995
AM:CH: Valleywood Skyrocket < 1988
AM:CH: Driftwood's Celebration 1978
AM:CAN:CH: Valleywood Kannonball Kate 1980
CH: Valleywood Tess O'tabatha < 1994
AM:CH: Killingworth Borador Travis 1982
Valleywood Vignette < 1992

Valleywood Siesta < 1988
INT:CS:CH: Sandylands Rip Van Winkle 1980
GB:SH:CH: Sandylands My Rainbeau 1977
GB:SH:CH: Sandylands Busy Liz 1974
Valleywood Crow Haven Fiddle 1982
CH: Elysium's Citizen Kane 1976
CH: Chucklebrook Cassandra 1979

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