Waltham Rose
Birth Before 1935
Color xxeeY
Sex bitch
Affix Waltham

Rex < 1933

Ranger < 1931
Folkingham Storm 1932
C.C.W. Knaith Bogey 1929
Knaith Bounce < 1923
Helen < 1928
F.T.W. Folkingham Speedy 1929
F.T.W. Folkingham Swimmer 1927
F.T.W. Folkingham Sparkle 1927

Vixon < 1943

Cream Of Marnock < 1931

Mormond Colonel < 1929

Mormond Jill < 1929

Golden Bream < 1931

Sherry < 1929

Dillbridge Jackson < 1927

Castle Beauty < 1927

Ochre Lady < 1929

Beau Of Willowcroft < 1927

Bessie Of Willowcroft < 1927

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