Sun In Your Eyes Power Of Dream
Birth Before 2008
Color BbEeBjb
Sex dog
Affix Power Of Dream
Stenveyz Red October 2001

Mallorn's Chocolate Czar 1997
Loresho Tango 1996
CH: Loresho Ozzie 1995
INT:CH: Bubbling Churchill 1993
CH: Mallorn's Jersey Sour 1990
INT:CH: Loresho Jell-o 1993
Mardas Maroon 1989
CH: Loresho Fine Black Lace 1990

Boothgates Letter Writer < 1995
Boothgates Headliner 1985
GB:CH: Warringah's Harlech 1982
Lindall Mollie Malone < 1984
Boothgates Scene Stealer < 1993
Brandhams Show Stopper 1989
Jazz Mail Order Madge < 1987
Stenveyz Angel's Melody 1998
Quatro Of Lucifer's Delight 1992
INT:CH: Narjanas Lamborghini < 1990
Lejie The Prize Guy < 1988
Narjanas Careenah 1983
INT:CH: Blondella Buttons And Bows 1988
GB:CH: Trenow Brigadier 1986
GB:CH: Blondella Balalai'ka 1985

Urfamycine Of Lucifer's Delight 1996
C.C.W. Glosmere Badger / "of Lucifer's Delight" 1991
Glosmere Black Prince < 1987
Glosmere Starturn < 1989
Saffier Of Lucifer's Delight 1994
INT:CH: Cambremer Royal Musician / "of Lucifer's Delight" 1992
Pearl Of Lucifer's Delight 1991

Jacky Gorska Fantazja < 2007
Strongline's Kernel 2000
Palabras Blue Bayo 1995
Tweedledum Steamy Windows 1992
CH: Guideline's Copyright 1990
Jayncourt Jingle Jangle < 1987
SH:CH: Upwards Amanda < 1994
MULTI:CH: Biggas Ynga 1988
Palabras Upwards 1990
Strongline's Ever Known 1993
SH:CH: Santtomin Epatoivo < 1988
SH:CH: Fagelangens Hawker Hunter 1982
Tweedledum Jump Of Joy < 1985
CH: Applehill's Mayday 1985
CH: Licithas Blizzard 1976
Applehill's Justine < 1984
Unica Gorska Fantazja 2001
Rocheby Smokescreen 1998
Rocheby Old Smokey 1997
C.C.W. Rocheby Navy Blue 1994
GB:SH:CH: Rocheby Polkadot 1993
Follytower Skylark Over Rocheby < 1995
C.C.W. Cannonridge Jackdaw 1990
GB:SH:CH: Follytower Pandora At Rocheby 1989
Tigra Rescator 1999
CH: Ladylands Boy < 1994
CH: Philipstown Artaban 1994
Ladylands Bone Bon < 1986
CH: Komtessa Rescator 1996
FR:F.T.CH: Artur Od Himalajskeho Cedru 1994
Dona Z Bohyne Lovu < 1994

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