Lance Jack
Birth Before 1926
Color xxxx?
Sex dog

Drake Of Invertrossachs < 1921

Trix < 1924

Home's Jock (non Enregistre) < 1920

Buccleuch Buck < 1910
Buccleuch Carver < 1905
Lord Cairn's Smut 1895
Buccleuch Lucy < 1903
Buccleuch Annie < 1902
Buccleuch Nith 1891
Buccleuch Belle 1892

Home's Crisp 1902
Home's Fleet 1898
Buccleuch Juno < 1896
Home's Abbess 1898
Buccleuch Jock 1892
Buccleuch Abbess < 1896
Sombre 1923

Holme Boy < 1921
Twisney Of Whitmore < 1920
Tutor Of Whitmore 1919
Torment Of Whitmore < 1915
Holme Nora < 1918
Brayton Sandhow 1914
Yorkshire Venus 1910

Princess Belle < 1921
Zog < 1919
Suddern Warren Prince 1908
Dungavel Fan 1911
Saxby Sheila < 1919
Zolman < 1918
Saxby Sheen < 1918

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